Celtic Bridal Set with Tanzanite Guinevere Puzzle Ring and Newgrange Spirals Band

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Celtic-inspired tanzanite puzzle engagement ring with Celtic Newgrange spirals band

Celtic Bridal Set with Tanzanite Guinevere Puzzle Ring and Newgrange Spirals Band

Tanzanite is a purplish stone shown in a puzzle ring further enhanced by a genuine Celtic Newgrange spirals band.  Our Celtic knotwork-inspired puzzle rings really do come apart and go back together with our video instructions.  And while enjoying the fun of your puzzle ring, you can appreciate the history and mythology of the Newgrange spirals band.

The circle of liferepresenting eternal love, is a beautiful symbol of lasting love and commitment. This ring design has an amazing history, and your love and devotion to each other will feel grounded in thousands of years of tradition when you wear these amazingly beautiful bands. Here is the story of these rings: 

3200 years ago, a very sacred place called the Megalithic Passage at the Newgrange site in Ireland was created. At this site, there is a long passage in the hill terminating in an inner cruciform chamber. At dawn on the Winter Solstice, the passage and the inner chamber are illuminated by the rising sun. 

The circle of life depicted in the form of spirals, marks the entrance to the site.

Combine this meaningful story with the intertwining of your two lives represented by the Celtic knotwork of the puzzle ring, and your bridal set is a cherished symbol of your lasting love. Puzzle partner rings are available, as are Newgrange spiral bands with or without trim.

Celtic-inspired Tanzanite Puzzle Engagement Ring with Celtic Newgrange Spirals Band

Celtic-inspired Tanzanite Puzzle Engagement Ring with Celtic Newgrange Spirals Band

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